Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Tattooed Bench

I had an interestingly shaped offcut from the manufacture of the desktertainment unit - a long panel (say 1400mm x 280mm).  And I perceived a need to get a serviceable coffee table / piano stool for the lounge room.  (With only three rooms, furniture should all be multipurpose - the sofa is not a viable bed and long-term should be replaced with something dual purpose.  But I'm getting ahead of myself.)

My wife once received a thank-you note from a friend with a beautiful hand-drawn curlicue pattern.  I thought it was too good to waste on a disposable card, and resolved to find a way to use it as decoration.

The result I call 'The Supportive Friend Bench'. It needs some finishing with polyurethane (always use a roller to paint furniture, btw.  I found that out from the internet and it is Gold, Jerry, Gold, although some of the closeup paintwork on the frame might have you wondering.) This photo shows the pattern, and one of its repetitions.  The Bench's best feature is its overall proportions and simple elegance, which I don't have a photo of yet.  I will add it to this post when I can take one.

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