One of the things I've lost in having a child, is my sense of humour about bad things happening to people, especially children. Back when I was fifteen, I was accutely conscious that there was not much innocence in my cohort. Now, though, when I read about children getting in trouble (gunned down by Apache helicopters while gathering firewood, for example; or recruited by the Taliban as lookouts - a dangerous job; or murdered by their parents for wanting to marry the wrong person) - I don't cope as well. All my defences were at bottom denial, or rested on a sense that no one was lovable, really, if you knew them as they knew themselves.
I'm not sure really, what the right response is now. I certainly can't save the world; and I can't not save it either. I guess I am liable to save it should I ever have the power and liable already to the extent I do.
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