Tuesday, January 27, 2015

I've made a huge mistake

I have been sweating the espresso machine options for a while and an apparently 6-month old Boema (Australian made commercial machines) was on sale in Victoria for $1000.  And it was the day before work started and it seemed to me that I needed to take action.  My wife too, was wearying of my esprotic (?) advances, because she said 'fine, see if I care.' And so I said 'Maybe I will!' And since the auction was ending in about twenty minutes I pressed to bid, and then watched in horror as I won.  It is pictured here installed in our already crowded laundry, because it needs to be plumbed in.  So you've spent $1000 on a young machine - but it doesn't work.  So you take it to a service guy (coffeemachinist.com.au - excellent guy) and pay for a new solenoid and two hours of work.  $300.  Then you take it home to fit the new filter ($80).  To get it connected has taken a lot of hassle and expense and a pressure reducing valve ($75), with a lot of different fittings leaking until I spent my way free of trouble, culminating in today's purchase of a 3/4in f-f flexible hose for $53.  I would say I have spent $1600 altogether. Much, much more than I thought it would cost.  But cafe coffee at home starts tomorrow morning, and I can't wait.

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