Wednesday, March 2, 2011


More vulnerability: Parked on the street at home, the car was hit quite hard and is back at the panel beaters for another four weeks.  We'd had it back from them for five days.  And I can't stop adding 'don't forget the burglary!' as though people might think they've shown enough sympathy but they don't know the half of it.  Exhausting for you all, I'm sure.  I will try to cut down.

Lots of exercise while its my only mode of travel.

Old friends to visit on Friday night which will be great.

The potential future offspring is progressing really well.  Tristrapedia not so well.

Listed Resolution on InkTip.  It seems like an outlier in terms of cost of production, narrowness of audience, and quantity of revolting content.

I've read only - a little of the Monstrosity of Christ, started Surface Detail, and been lent two more books. 

The horizon retreats faster than I advance on every front.

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