Monday, October 27, 2014

Memorial to past EBay auctions lost

I opted not to bid on a Bo-ema single group coffee machine this weekend - it was listed and sold for $400, and I think the purchaser got a great bargain, a very serious dual-boiler machine suit a small cafe or home with many tired people.

Another time there was a fully expanded Nord G2 Engine, a virtual modular synthesis engine that can emulate any synthesizer. Although they are not easy to program, and USB support for them is always getting bent out of shape by Windows 'progress', it would be a prize addition to my little home audio studio.  Usually that would sell for $900 (if selling with restrictions like 'buyer must pick up from bendigo') up to $1200 for a really open market. For no obvious reason, the seller got only about $650 for that one.

So, salutes to those brave purchasers.  You have done well.

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