Sunday, March 4, 2012

Achieving your dreams in an hour a week

Due to the pressures of life, there is always too little time for everything. The Tristrapedia of child rearing is always a very good and pleasant task, and life and my work are good. But when I thought about ways to rustle up $X00 for a new synthesiser, I rediscovered that it is still possible to sell science fiction to science fiction magazines, for a few hundred dollars per 5-8000words (5c / word). So my plan for creative success as a musician is now predicated on creative success as a short sci-fi fictionist. (I am going to write the short stories of my screenplays first, thus killing two birds with one stone).

The thing is, progress toward basic completeness (much less excellence) is incredibly slow at a rate of an hour a week. A short story of 8000 words might take until the end of the year; advancing from not very musical to musical will take longer by far.
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  1. Yes, I started and maintain a blog about having too little time to follow my dreams. It is a fool blog indeed.

  2. No wait: Yes, I found time to blog about how I can't find time.


This is your chance to be heard, really heard! Finally the world will take you seriously. So do try to post something worthwhile.